The installation is inspired by Michelle Stewart’s animated film called “Big Man”, internationally awarded in 2016. It echoes the theme of the film, which is the corruption of power, both in South African context and international context. The inspiration came from the last scene of the animated film, which is emphasizing the notion of the corrupt, laughing figure, sitting on top of the society, while at the same time all of the common people beneath are suffering because of the corruption, and their souls are captured in hell without having way out. The installation consists of 20 screens attached on a wall (the wall of judgement) depicting these “captured souls”. On each of the screen there is a very short video loop, different close-ups of suffering bodies. On top of the installation is the biggest screen showing the “big man” laughing. It is again a very short loop of an animation depicting (like in a metamorphosis) the laughing face of the corrupt “big man”. The whole atmosphere is enhanced with repeating sound effects, like laughing voice, voices of suffering souls, voices from hell, and so on.
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